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site maintained by: volrath

questions, comments pm me at - volrath on

AthF lackeyccg sound theme:


got together a few clips from ATHF and made a
sound theme that i think is funny

ive included a readme for how to install the sound theme

DOWNLOAD - athflackeysounds.rar


the MTG precon wiki


MTG Precon Decks:

decks ripped and made available by: volrath and the pie-eyed piper

please note: most of the deck files have been put together
by the pie-eyed piper, if there are any inconsistencies in
the construction and or the compatibility with Lackey
just leave volrath a message and he'll take care of it

if you want card lists, visit the wiki link above

merry kristmez... TOO YOU!!!

download all listed decks: DOWNLOAD - alldecks.rar

2010 core deaths minions DOWNLOAD
2010 core firebomber DOWNLOAD
2010 core natures fury DOWNLOAD
2010 core presence of mind DOWNLOAD
2010 core we are legion DOWNLOAD
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7th edition armada DOWNLOAD
7th edition bomber DOWNLOAD
7th edition decay DOWNLOAD
7th edition infestation DOWNLOAD
7th edition way wild DOWNLOAD
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8th edition expulshion DOWNLOAD
8th edition heavy hitters DOWNLOAD
8th edition life boost DOWNLOAD
8th edition sky slam DOWNLOAD
8th edition speed scorch DOWNLOAD
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9th edition army of justice DOWNLOAD
9th edition custom creatures DOWNLOAD
9th edition dead again DOWNLOAD
9th edition lofty heights DOWNLOAD
9th edition world aflame DOWNLOAD
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10th edition arcaniss guile DOWNLOAD
10th edition chomannos resolve DOWNLOAD
10th edition evincars tyranny DOWNLOAD
10th edition kamahls temper DOWNLOAD
10th edition molimos might DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Alara reborn dead ahead DOWNLOAD
Alara reborn eternal siege DOWNLOAD
Alara reborn legion aloft DOWNLOAD
Alara reborn rumbler DOWNLOAD
Alara reborn unnatural schemes DOWNLOAD
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Apocolypse burial DOWNLOAD
Apocolypse pandemonium DOWNLOAD
Apocolypse swoop DOWNLOAD
Apocolypse whirlpool DOWNLOAD
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Betrayers of kamigawa dark devotion DOWNLOAD
Betrayers of kamigawa ninjitsu DOWNLOAD
Betrayers of kamigawa rats nest DOWNLOAD
Betrayers of kamigawa spiritcraft DOWNLOAD
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Champions of kamigawa kami reborn DOWNLOAD
Champions of kamigawa snakes path DOWNLOAD
Champions of kamigawa spiritbane DOWNLOAD
Champions of kamigawa way of the warrior DOWNLOAD
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Coldsnap aurochs stampede DOWNLOAD
Coldsnap beyond the grave DOWNLOAD
Coldsnap kjeldoran cunning DOWNLOAD
Coldsnap snowscape DOWNLOAD
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Conflux bant on the march DOWNLOAD
Conflux esper air assault DOWNLOAD
Conflux grixis shambling army DOWNLOAD
Conflux jund appetite DOWNLOAD
Conflux naya domain DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Darksteel master blaster DOWNLOAD
Darksteel mind swarm DOWNLOAD
Darksteel swarm slam DOWNLOAD
Darksteel transference deck DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Dissension azorius ascendant DOWNLOAD
Dissension rakdos bloodsport DOWNLOAD
Dissension simic mutoligy DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Eventide battleblitz DOWNLOAD
Eventide deathmarch DOWNLOAD
Eventide lifedrain DOWNLOAD
Eventide sidestep DOWNLOAD
Eventide superabundance DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Exodus dominatoradv DOWNLOAD
Exodus dominatorreg DOWNLOAD
Exodus groundbreakeradv DOWNLOAD
Exodus groundbreakerreg DOWNLOAD
Exodus whiteheatadv DOWNLOAD
Exodus whiteheatreg DOWNLOAD
Exodus widowmakeradv DOWNLOAD
Exodus widowmakerreg DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Fifth dawn nuts and bolts DOWNLOAD
Fifth dawn special forces DOWNLOAD
Fifth dawn stampede DOWNLOAD
Fifth dawn sunburst DOWNLOAD
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Future sight fateblaster DOWNLOAD
Future sight future shock DOWNLOAD
Future sight future sight DOWNLOAD
Future sight rebels unite DOWNLOAD
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Guildpact code of of the orzhov DOWNLOAD
Guildpact gruul wilding DOWNLOAD
Guildpact izzet gizmometry DOWNLOAD
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Invasion blowout DOWNLOAD
Invasion dismissal DOWNLOAD
Invasion heavy duty DOWNLOAD
Invasion spectum DOWNLOAD
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Judgment air razers DOWNLOAD
Judgment inundation DOWNLOAD
Judgment painflow DOWNLOAD
Judgment spectral slam DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Legions elvish rage DOWNLOAD
Legions morph mayhem DOWNLOAD
Legions sliver shivers DOWNLOAD
Legions zombies unleashed DOWNLOAD
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Lorwyn boggart feast DOWNLOAD
Lorwyn elementals path DOWNLOAD
Lorwyn elvish predation DOWNLOAD
Lorwyn kithkin militia DOWNLOAD
Lorwyn merrow riverways DOWNLOAD
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Mercadian masques deepwood menace DOWNLOAD
Mercadian masques disrupter DOWNLOAD
Mercadian masques rebels call DOWNLOAD
Mercadian masques tidal mastery DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Mirrodin bait bludgeon DOWNLOAD
Mirrodin little bashers DOWNLOAD
Mirrodin sacrificial bam DOWNLOAD
Mirrodin wicked big DOWNLOAD
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Morningtide battalion DOWNLOAD
Morningtide going rogue DOWNLOAD
Morningtide shamanism DOWNLOAD
Morningtide warriors code DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Nemesis breakdown DOWNLOAD
Nemesis eruption DOWNLOAD
Nemesis mercenaries DOWNLOAD
Nemesis replicator DOWNLOAD
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Odyssey liftoff DOWNLOAD
Odyssey onetwo punch DOWNLOAD
Odyssey pressure cooker DOWNLOAD
Odyssey trounceomatic DOWNLOAD
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Onslaught bate and switch DOWNLOAD
Onslaught celestial assault DOWNLOAD
Onslaught devastation DOWNLOAD
Onslaught ivory doom DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Planar chaos endless march DOWNLOAD
Planar chaos ixidors legacy DOWNLOAD
Planar chaos ritual of reburth DOWNLOAD
Planar chaos unraveling mind DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Portal second age goblin fire DOWNLOAD
Portal second age martial law DOWNLOAD
Portal second age natures assault DOWNLOAD
Portal second age night stalkers DOWNLOAD
Portal second age spellweaver DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Prophecy distress DOWNLOAD
Prophecy pummel DOWNLOAD
Prophecy slither DOWNLOAD
Prophecy turnaround DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Ravnica charge of the boros DOWNLOAD
Ravnica dimir intrigues DOWNLOAD
Ravnica golgardi deathcreep DOWNLOAD
Ravnica selesnya united DOWNLOAD
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Saviors of kamigowa critical mass DOWNLOAD
Saviors of kamigowa soratamis wisdom DOWNLOAD
Saviors of kamigowa spirit flames DOWNLOAD
Saviors of kamigowa truth seekers DOWNLOAD
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Scourge goblin mob DOWNLOAD
Scourge max attack DOWNLOAD
Scourge pulverize DOWNLOAD
Scourge storm surge DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Shadowmoor army of entropy DOWNLOAD
Shadowmoor aura mastery DOWNLOAD
Shadowmoor mortal coil DOWNLOAD
Shadowmoor overkill DOWNLOAD
Shadowmoor turnabout DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Shards of alara bant exalted DOWNLOAD
Shards of alara esper artifice DOWNLOAD
Shards of alara grixis undead DOWNLOAD
Shards of alara naya behemoths DOWNLOAD
Shards of alara primordial jund DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Starter 1999 blinding fury DOWNLOAD
Starter 1999 deadly instinct DOWNLOAD
Starter 1999 goblin assault DOWNLOAD
Starter 1999 impaler DOWNLOAD
Starter 1999 time curse DOWNLOAD
--- --- ---
Stronghold call of the kor DOWNLOAD
Stronghold migraine DOWNLOAD
Stronghold the sparkler DOWNLOAD
Stronghold the spikes DOWNLOAD
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Tempest deep freeze DOWNLOAD
Tempest the flames of rath DOWNLOAD
Tempest the slivers DOWNLOAD
Tempest the swarm DOWNLOAD
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Time spiral fun with fungus DOWNLOAD
Time spiral hopes crusaders DOWNLOAD
Time spiral reality fracture DOWNLOAD
Time spiral sliver evolution DOWNLOAD
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Torment grave danger DOWNLOAD
Torment insanity DOWNLOAD
Torment sacrilege DOWNLOAD
Torment walking nightmare DOWNLOAD
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Urzas destiny assasin DOWNLOAD
Urzas destiny battle surge DOWNLOAD
Urzas destiny enchanter DOWNLOAD
Urzas destiny findish nature DOWNLOAD
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Urzas legacy crusher DOWNLOAD
Urzas legacy phyrexian assault DOWNLOAD
Urzas legacy radiants revenge DOWNLOAD
Urzas legacy time drain DOWNLOAD
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Urzas saga sleeper DOWNLOAD
Urzas saga specialdelivery DOWNLOAD
Urzas saga theplague DOWNLOAD
Urzas saga tombstone DOWNLOAD
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hit counters
hit counter